
living in a maverick town... LA... hopes and dreams & ... loss

news from gilli moon, and a gofundme

Hi all,

Been a while since my last newsletter. Couple of things I want to share. First, I want to post a Call To Action regarding a goFundMe set up for my cousins who lost their home in the Palisades Fire in Los Angeles, a few days ago. Video above and details below. To lighten the news, I am also sharing some creative things further down, to help soothe your souls, bring hope to the new year, and touch your hearts.

Call 2 Action:

GOFUNDME DONATION LINK: www.gofundme.com/mcnellis-barrutia-family-fundraiser

I'm reaching out to my newsletter for a Call To Action. The unimaginable has occurred to my cousins Elizabeth Barrutia, Michael McNellis and their son Lucas (12 yrs old). This past week, they lost their entire home and everything in it, to the Palisades Fire in Pacific Palisades, Los Angeles. Their home is gone. I know so many have lost homes here, and it's terrifying and too real when your beloved family is affected. With permission from the McNellis Barrutia Family, I have set up a fundraiser to help them

GOFUNDME DONATION LINK: www.gofundme.com/mcnellis-barrutia-family-fundraiser

My music moods for you today

theCrea8ve inspirations

Maybe some of the below might be inspiring, bring hope, and creative courage? I love to write….

Time is a Gift
Time is a gift. Not something you are entitled to. No matter how hard you try, you can't control it. The only thing you can do is choose how you spend the time you're given. So make sure you're celeb…
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Note to self, "I have enough, I do enough, I am enough. I am amazing."
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Grit and Joy. The formula to success.
Tease alert! Excerpt from my upcoming book…
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Cling on to your family everyone. Here’s my little bundle below from our recent trip downunder and hawaii.

Takin’ a bow

‘til next time

Lots of love and a little sadness for now from the gritty fire-logged LA


Gilli Moon

IG: @gillimoon @theCrea8ve FB: @gillimoonmusic @theCrea8ve YT: @gillimoonofficial @theCrea8ve TW: @officiallygilli